Monday, December 26, 2011

A Tech Kid Christmas!

Everybody loves Christmas it’s the time to spend time with the family. I must have been a good kid this year because I had a GREAT Christmas!

My favorite Christmas gift is my Pyle Pro Electric Guitar! It is gray, white and black (as you can see from the picture). It came with a whammy bar, extra strings, picks, amp, strap, pitch pipe - pretty much a full package! To top it off my guitar teacher (and friend) gave me DR Neon Strings that glow under UV lighting-  they look awesome!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wii Game Review: Wii Sports Resort

Wii Sports Resort has Bowling, Airplane flying, ping pong, Basketball, Archery, Jet Ski, golf, bicycle riding, and more. It’s a family fun game to play for game night or just to play after school with your friends. I like the Basketball, JET SKI, Ping pong, and Archery the best.

What I don’t like is when you drive the airplanes there is a clock you have to beat. I wish the game had free play when you drive the airplanes and the canoe is hard to play without somebody helping you in the same canoe.

Special Note: This game requires Wii Motion Plus
*Disclaimer:  All opinions expressed herein are true and unbiased. No monetary compensation was given.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Donkey Kong Country Returns has all kinds of levels, creatures, and backgrounds. The graphics are good.  My family constantly played this game for over a month! That’s saying a lot when my Dad and I can normally beat a game within a weekend.  It’s well worth the higher costs to purchase it.
Take your time and make sure you look everywhere for hidden pieces. Use your coins to purchase more lives for DK and Diddy from Cranky’s Shop.

If you beat all the worlds you get a hidden passage to a new level. The bad part is, if you rushed through and didn’t collect everything in the first 8 worlds, you have to go back and get all of the letter cards, beat the hidden level within each world to collect all of the orbs, and THEN the hidden world 9 is unlocked!  

I thank the game, the curators, and the animation is a very cool and I also like the Tiki Tak Tribe member at the end, and Rambi the rhino that DK & Diddy can ride on.

Don’t use the nun chuck unless you are a VERY skilled at it.  It is much easier to play this game without it.

Visit the Nintendo’s site for more information.

*Disclaimer:  All opinions expressed herein are true and unbiased. No monetary compensation was given.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for Wii & DS

WARNING: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for Wii is an “M” (mature) RATED GAME!

This is a cool new Call of Duty game for Wii!  My favorite features are that there is helicopter riding and helicopter shooting with new guns and missiles. You can also shoot guns from the trucks and in the cars. I like the shooting, car driving, and the underwater driving. It’s a really cool game to play.

What I don’t like is the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (Wii) is the controller locks on me and the gun turn where I don’t want it to go. I wish that you can use a GameCube controller on it, but you can’t. It has some mild language (nothing like the language in Call of Duty Black Ops….)